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Kadri Toom's exhibition "Enwrapped Cities"

Kadri Toom's graphic works and space installations reflect the fast developing areas in growing cities. These works represent the strong marketing of these city structures, enwrapped skeletons of the houses, the mystery and utopia of the city space.

Graphic sheets are made in mixed technique, mostly using cyanotype, monotype and screen printing. 2-dimensional works bring the 3-dimensional objects back to room that speak of a visual beauty of an unfinished architecture and empty bubbliness of new developments.

The exhibition will be opened on November 3rd at 6PM and will stay open until November 29. Visiting the exhibition is free. TYPA Gallery Tel: +372 5682 8117


Kastani 48f, Tartu Wed–Sun 12.00–18.00


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ARS Art Factory

Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn 11317

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