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Maria Kapajeva Soome Fotograafia Muusuemis / at The Finnish Museum of Photography

Soome Fotorgraafiamuuseum, K1, Kämp Galleria, Helsingi


Kunstnik vaatleb naisi kogu elu saatvat ühiskondlikku survet ja otsib võimalusi, kuidas sellele vastu astuda.Tihti rõhutab Maria Kapajeva oma loomingus perifeerset ajalugu, keskendudes eelkõige naiste kujutamisele.

Maria Kapajeva omandas fotograafia bakalaureusekraadi University for the Creative Arts’is ja magistrikraadi Westminsteri ülikoolis. Tema hiljutised isikunäitused on „Test Shooting“ CBS-i Digital Art Space’is Kopenhaagenis (2019), „Unistus on helge, veel ebaselge“ Narva kunstiresidentuuris (2017, kuraator Liisa Kaljula) ja „Interiors“ Aucklandi fotograafiafestivalil Uus-Meremaal (2015).

Rohkem infot Foto: Maria Kapajeva: stillkaader videost 10 Ways Not To Become The Invisible Woman After 40, 2020. __________________________________________________________________________________ In her work, Maria Kapajeva (b. 1976) explores the stereotypes, expectations and roles that women continue to face. “Is there really no other way?” Kapajeva asks and wonders what would happen if women refused to accept the roles assigned to them by their surrounding culture, media and upbringing.

Humor, cold statistics and various other materials form the building blocks of Kapajeva's work. With these elements, she aims to offer the viewer the opportunity to think for themselves and engage in dialog. Additional information Photo: Maria Kapajeva: a still from 10 Ways Not To Become The Invisible Woman After 40, 2020.

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