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LVLup! Estonian Videomängude Muuseum, ARS Kunstilinnak
Séverine Gorlier and Fabrice Croux on LVLup! residentuuris 5.-16. oktoobrini Tallinna ja Grenoble vahetusprogrammiga "CONTINUE". Nad töötavad Raili Keivi stuudios ja nende siin valmivaid töid esitletakse 15. oktoobril kell 17. Need tööd jäävad muuseumi püsikollektsiooni.
Anna Shkodenko ja Raili Keiv lähevad tuleval aastal sama programmiga Grenoble'isse Prantsusmaal ja esitlevad oma töid Gallery Showcase Grenoble'is.
Séverine Gorlier and Fabrice Kim Croux are 2 french artists and are invited for an artistic residency in the Videomängude muuseum LVLup! Through their practice of ceramics they associate the imagery of the media (television) and of science fiction.
Their work will make a link between the video game museum and the ceramic workshops they had access to during their residency. They were welcomed by the artist Raili Keiv in her studio in ARS-i maja as well.
Their works will also be part of the permanent collection of the museum.
The second phase of CONTINUE will take place at the beggining of 2020 in Grenoble. Two Estonian artists, Anna Škodenko and Raili Keiv, will be hosted by AAA for an artistic residency at Fabrice Croux’s studio and will exhibit at Galerie Showcase (http://galerieshowcase.com/ ).
We would like to thank a lot Eesti Kultuurkapital, ARS-i maja, Ville de Grenoble, INSTITUT FRANÇAIS and OUI