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ARS Art Factory at Habitare

EST below Vano Allsalu, vicepresident of Estonian Artist Association, will present: Habitare Arena stage 12.9.2019 16.30-17.30 „ARS Art Factory – heritage and innovation for a thriving creative habitat“

ARS-i maja (Art Factory, Tallinn) is the biggest centre for creating and producing art in Estonia. There are more than 90 artists, designers and creative companies working here and various events and programmes are organised for art professionals as well as art lovers.

The predecessor of the present-day creative hub is the legendary ARS Art Products Factory (founded in 1975). Art products (ceramics, textiles, decorative metalwork, leather etc.) were designed and produced here by a staff of several hundred artists, master craftspeople and workers that were well known across the Soviet Union, but also in the Nordic countries.

Today, ARS is an art community that combines innovation and history, contemporary practices and technology and the traditional skills of professional art in Estonia. ARS Art Factory belongs to the Estonian Artists’ Association, which allows artists to have a say in developing the centre and gives them a stronger sense of security for the future. In the vision of the artists, ARS is primarily a seedbed of good ideas, a kind of creative ‘oasis’ in an urban environment.

Habitare is Finland’s largest furniture, design and decoration event. Habitare highlights the ideas and works by a new generation of designers, and sparks discussion. There were 59.200 visitors in Habitare 2018. The event offers inspiration and experiences for five days. The theme of the 2019 Habitare is Mindspaces. The spatial solutions, materials, colours, scents, lighting and objects evoke emotions, catering for various needs in life. The Habitare exhibition design, to be conceived by the designer Laura Väinölä, will also be built around this theme.

We´ll be at Arena stage 12.9.2019 16.30-17.30 with Vano Allsalu’s presentation „ARS Art Factory – heritage and innovation for a thriving creative habitat“

Vano Allsalu, Eesti Kunstnike liidu asepresident, tutvustab ARSi kunstilinnakut Habitare messil Habitare pealava Arena 12.09.2019 16.30-17.30

ARS on Eestis ja laiemaltki tuntud kvaliteetse tarbekunsti kaubamärgina aastast 1975. Tänane ARS on arenev kunstilinnak, kus tegutseb üle 90 kunstniku, disaineri ja loovettevõtte. ARS kunstilinnakus toimub palju erinevaid sündmuseid ja on kohtumispaigaks nii kunstiprofessionaalidele kui -huvilistele. Septembris toimuvaid üritusi leiate siit:

Habitare on Soome suurim ja Põhjamaade tähtsaim disainimess, mida peetakse alates 1970.aastast. Igal aastal meelitab see Helsinkgi messikeskusesse üle 60000 inimese.

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ARS kunstilinnak

Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn 11317

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