30. November 18.00 - 23.00
ARS factory, room 228
Tired of endless grey days?
We certainly are 😉
So, we decided to do something about it and make a cool evening party with drinks, yummy food, live music and our art.
During this cozy night we’ll be glad to talk about art and culture, listen to some live music and celebrate the upcoming holiday season.
You will get to meet musicians who has been part of a Helihool Community @Helihool and brought lots of music and joy to the patients of the nursing clinic here in Tallinn.
We will be presenting our artworks and merch by Julia Valtanen, Mariia Bonchuk, Katerina Balakina and Liisa Kruusmägi that you can take a closer look and buy.
Entrance is free! But there will be a donation box:)
