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Mihkel Maripuu & Laivi: Tuleviku ootamatu ilmumine / The Unexpected Presence of the Future

Scroll down for English. Tartu Kunstimaja

Vanemuise 26, 51014 Tartu

K–E 12.00–18.00

Alates laupĂ€evast, 26. septembrist on Tartu Kunstimaja monumentaalgaleriis avatud Mihkel Maripuu ja Laivi teine ĂŒhisnĂ€itus “Tuleviku ootamatu ilmumine”. NĂ€itus on avatud 18. oktoobrini.

NĂ€ituse eesmĂ€rgiks on inimolemuse ja inimkonna vĂ”imaluste poeetiline lahkamine keset mÀÀramatu tulevikuga silmitsi seismist. Aluseks on fiktiivne, ent reaalsust peegeldav situatsioon, mis sunnib tasahilju eemalduma senistest vÀÀrtustest ja mĂ€rkamatult uusi norme aktsepteerima. SĂŒsteemis tekkinud ebakĂ”la, ootamatu “error” vĂ”i nihe on muutnud maailma tasakaalu nii fĂŒĂŒsiliselt kui mentaalselt. TagajĂ€rjeks on tavapĂ€rase, iseenesest mĂ”istetava kokkuvarisemine. Ilmneb, et antropotseenile iseloomulik inimese ĂŒlemvĂ”im on tasakaalunihke tagajĂ€rjel ootamatult kergesti kĂ”igutatav.

Sundolukord on kasvulava loomaks kujuteldamatuid situatsioone ja enneolematuid kombinatsioone. Varem teadvustamata vĂ”imalused saavad uueks reaalsuseks. Looduse kujutlusvĂ”ime pulbitseb ja valdab suutmatus uusi sensatsioone ĂŒheselt mĂ”istetavalt kommunikeerida. Unistused, hirmud ja reaalsus kohtuvad. Uues keskkonnas saavad vastupanu ja vastupidavus uue iseloomu. ÖkosĂŒsteemi ĂŒlesehitus muutub, hierarhiad kujunevad ĂŒmber, sĂŒmbiondid ja parasiidid vahetavad rolle. Uued alged juurduvad. Paradiislik idee vĂ”rdsusest on hukutav utoopia.

NÀitus on argise reaalsusega dialoogi astuv fiktsioon, tulevikku tunnetav poeetiline ja esteetiline jutustus. LÀhenemine on spekulatiivne, mitmeti interpreteeritav ja mÀÀratlemata, lahtise lÔpptulemusega.

đ— đ—¶đ—”đ—žđ—Čđ—č đ— đ—źđ—żđ—¶đ—œđ˜‚đ˜‚ loomingut iseloomustab multidistsiplinaarne, eri meediume kaasav praktika, lisaks visuaalsele ka füüsiline ja heliline platvorm. Uurimusalusteks teemadeks on olnud post- interneti olemus kaasaegses kunstis, neo-materjalism ja muud subkultuurilised ilmingud ning digitaalajastu omapärad, mis on mõjutanud kaasaegse visuaalkeele kujunemist. Lahates tehnoloogia ja orgaanika vahelisi erisusi ning nende potensiaalsete ühisalade kattuvuslikke printsiipe. Mihkel Maripuu on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli, filosoofia teaduskonna Kultuuriteaduste ja kunstide instituudi maalikunsti õppetooli (BA) ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia vabade kunstide maalikunsti osakonna (MA).

đ—Ÿđ—źđ—¶đ˜ƒđ—¶ on kunstnik, kes vĂ€ljendab end mitmesuguste moekĂ€sitluste kaudu. Tema loomingut iseloomustab materjalipĂ”hine ning eksperimenteeriv lĂ€henemine tekstiilidele ja rĂ”ivastele. Laivi analĂŒĂŒsib riietumisviise laiemalt nii visuaal-esteetilisel, funktsionaalsel kui ka ekspressiivsel tasandil. Moeharidusega kunstniku teoste lĂ€bivateks teemadeks on iha, igatsus, kordus ja sĂ”ltuvus. Laivi on lĂ”petanud moedisaini eriala Eesti Kunstiakadeemias (BA) ja Aalto Ülikoolis Helsingis (MA). Ta on end tĂ€iendanud Londonis, Kopenhaagenis ja Barcelonas. 2016. aastal oli tal isikunĂ€itus Tartu Kunstimuuseumis.

NĂ€ituse graafiline disain: Henri Kutsar.

NĂ€itust toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tartu Kunstimaja ja Tartu linn.


Tartu Art Hall

Vanemuise 26, 51014 Tartu

Wed–Mon 12.00–18.00

From Saturday, 26 September Mihkel Maripuu and Laivi’s second joint exhibition “The Unexpected Presence of the Future” can be visited in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House.

The aim of the exhibition is the poetic analysis of the human nature and the possibilities of humanity while facing an indefinite future. It is based on a fictitious situation mirroring reality that forces us to gradually withdraw from our existing values and imperceptible accept new norms. The dissonance in the system, an unexpected error or a dislocation has changed the balance of the world both physically and mentally. This has resulted in the collapse of the usual self-evident status quo. It appears, that the dominance of humans that is characteristic of the Anthropocene is surprisingly easy to upset as a result of this offset in balance.

The unwelcome circumstances have been the basis of inconceivable situations and unprecedented combinations. Previously unheard of possibilities become the new reality. The imagination of nature is boiling over and we are overcome by our incapability to unambiguously communicate the new sensations. Dreams, fears and realities intersect. Resistance and endurance are transformed in the new environment. The structure of the ecosystem changes, the hierarchies are reshaped, symbionts and parasites exchange their roles. New beginnings are taking root. The paradisical idea of equality is a fatal utopia.

The exhibition is a fiction that starts a dialogue with the everyday reality, a poetic and aesthetic narrative that senses the future. The approach is speculative, with multiple interpretations, no clear definitions and an open ending.

đ— đ—¶đ—”đ—žđ—Čđ—č đ— đ—źđ—żđ—¶đ—œđ˜‚đ˜‚â€™s oeuvre is characterised by a multidisciplinary practice involving various media and containing a physical and aural platform besides the visual one. He works with the nature of post-internet in contemporary art, neo-materialism and other subcultural phenomena and unique qualities of the digital era that have influenced the development of the contemporary visual language. He dissects the distinct attributes of technology and organics and the principles of their shared existence. Mihkel Maripuu has graduated from the Painting Department of the University of Tartu (BA) and the Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Estonian Academy of Arts (MA).

đ—Ÿđ—źđ—¶đ˜ƒđ—¶ is an artist who expresses herself through various treatments of fashion. Her oeuvre is characterised by a material-based and experimental approach to textiles and clothing. Laivi analysis ways of dressing in general through visual-aesthetic, functional and expressive levels. The central themes of her works are lust, yearning, repetition and addiction. Laivi has graduated from the Fashion Design Departments of the Estonian Academy of Arts (BA) and the Aalto University in Helsinki (MA). She has supplemented her studies in London, Copenhagen and Barcelona. In 2016, she had a solo exhibition in the Tartu Art Museum.

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, its graphic design is by Henri Kutsar and it is open until 18 October.

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