26.10.2019 – 26.01.2020. Moderna Museet Malmö Näituse avamine 25. oktoobril
Merike Estna avab Malmö Moderna Museetis isikunäituse ‘Ghost of the future, filled with memories of past’. Spetsiaalselt Moderna näituseks on kunstnikul valminud uus seeria keraamilisi anumaid ja neljaosaline monumentaalmaal ‘Ocean of Endangered Times’. Suuremahuline näitus muuseumi kahes saalis hõlmab Estna varasematest töödest teiste seas käsitsi maalitud keraamilistest plaatidest põrandat 13. Balti triennaalilt, pealkirjaga ‘An egg, a larva, a nymph’, käsitsi maalitud keraamilistest plaatidest vann-skulptuuri Tallinna Linnagalerii näituselt ‘Misantseen’ ja puujalgadel seisvat maal kui lava seeriat ‘Tree trunks, serpents and other animals’ kaasaegse kunsti keskuse kim? isikunäituselt ‘Disposable Gloves Guide’. Andreas Nilssoni kureeritud ‘Ghost of the future, filled with memories of past’ on Estna esimene isikunäitus Skandinaavias.
October 26th 2019 to January 26th 2020. Moderna Museet Malmö Opening of the exhibition is on October 25th
Merike Estna opens her solo show ‘Ghost of the future, filled with memories of past’ at Moderna Museet Malmö. The exhibition combines works created specifically for this context – a series of ceramic vessels and a four-part monumental painting ‘Ocean of Endangered Times’ – with a selection of artworks from recent years. Estna’s previous works shown in Malmö include a ceramic floor installation ‘An egg, a larva, a nymph’ which was featured in the 13th Baltic Triennial, a bath tub-sculpture made of hand-painted ceramic plates from the Tallinn City Gallery exhibition ‘A Situation’, and a painting as a stage series ‘Tree trunks, serpens and other animals’ from the Estna’s solo show ‘Disposable Cloves Guide’ shown at kim? Contemporary Art Centre in Riga. ‘Ghost of the future, filled with memories of past’, curated by Andreas Nilsson is Merike Estna’s first solo show in Scandinavia.

Merike Estna ‘Ghost of the future, filled with memories of past’, 2019. Merike Estna stuudio loal. Graafiline disain: Martina Gofman. Fotod: Marta Vaarik
Allikas: Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Arenduskeskuse uudiskiri
Merike Estna ‘Ghost of the future, filled with memories of past’, 2019. Courtesy of Merike Estna studio. Graphic design: Martina Gofman. Photography: Marta Vaarik